How can I be successful in a competitive industry?

As an MNU Graduate, you are already ahead of the industry! The reputation of our high-quality graduates continues to grow and having the ‘MNU Certified Nutritionist’ title alone has been powerful enough for clients to reach out to our graduate for coaching and employment opportunities!

Make sure you are promoting your title, that you are fully qualified and insured to your potential clients. If you are unsure of what wording to use, see our answer on 'What wording can I use to promote myself as an MNU Certified Nutritionist?'

As an MNU Graduate, the best place for help and support is the Mentoring Lab, remember you receive an exclusive discount as an MNU Graduate.

Even as an established practitioner, being able to bounce business ideas off others, discuss difficult clients and/or get advice from those with more experience is priceless. Often, simply getting some reassurance that you’re doing the ‘right’ thing can help you to feel more confident in what you’re delivering and help rid some of that imposter syndrome! That’s why we put so much emphasis on fostering a Mentoring Lab community of the most supportive, friendly, and like-minded people in the industry.

Along with access to industry experts and resources designed to help your build your business, you also have access to numerous individuals, who have built successful nutrition consultancies and businesses.

You will also be privy to other practitioners’ discussions for their businesses, so if you’re a ‘lurker’ of the group and haven’t quite garnered the courage to post yourself, you can still benefit from the real-world client scenarios and business conversations in the group.

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