How does MNU compare to other online courses?

It's difficult to portray all of the ways in which MNU out-performs other online nutrition courses but we have tried to break down the main comparisons for you into five key areas. You might also like to check out what our students say as many of our students have completed other online courses before doing MNU and can provide some unbiased insights!

Considerate Course Structure

Many online courses are thrown together with no thought to the educational journey that students will follow. If you've ever looked into other nutrition courses, you’ll have likely seen a course syllabus that jumps from random lecture to random lecture with no structure or flow! Well not at MNU! We’ve spent a huge amount of time considering the structure of the course, so that each module perfectly builds on the next. We include everything you need to know to get industry-leading results with a wide variety of clients.

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Relevant Course Content

We have refrained from including unnecessary levels of detail to artificially increase the length of the course or make it appear ‘more advanced’ as is sadly common practice for other courses. We’re also proud to say that we were at the forefront of the evidence-based movement and that means, whilst some courses will just use the term evidence-based as a marketing buzzword, we know the value of being truly evidence-based and teach only evidence-based information.

On top of this, we are constantly re-visiting our course content to make sure you’re provided with the most up-to-date information, further reading and nutritional advancements. That’s also why, unlike many online courses, you won’t just be given a textbook to follow! Textbooks go out of date almost as soon as they’re published! Instead, we use our online platforms to ensure that every intake is privy to the latest research!

Exceptional Teaching

While other nutrition courses are taught by under-qualified personal trainers or coaches with minimal experience, all MNU Tutors are qualified to a minimum of MSc standard. Combined, they have thousands of hours of applied experience as clinical nutritionists, performance nutritionists and registered dietitians and they understand what it is to be an effective practitioner working with real people in the real world. Their experience and the client case studies they share within their lectures really helps to put the theory into context, showing you exactly how nutritional knowledge can be applied.

Unrivalled Student Support

It’s hard to explain just how powerful the community aspects of MNU are. From the admin team to the tutors, we get to know you as a person and will support you every step of the way; something other courses simply don’t have capacity for (or choose not to prioritise). With a dedicated online Student Support group, our ‘Tutors’ are not the typical online tutor that is one step ahead of the student; our Tutors are industry-leading, practicing Nutritionists & Dietitian’s & you will have access to them 365 days a year, to answer any nutrition questions you have or to clarify anything you’re struggling with. Our level of support is demonstrated in our student testimonials and in our course prospectus.

By studying the course with a dedicated cohort, you’ll also have the support, encouragement, and accountability from all of your peers on the same journey! Our in-person events mean you also get to meet the MNU team, your peers, former students, and other experts in the field, really bringing the online community to life!

Lifelong Business & Career Guidance

For many online course providers, success is simply measured by how many people buy their course. At MNU, however, you’re much more than just a number and we truly care about your future career and success as a nutritionist. Our goal is to produce the most competent, confident and successful practitioners in the industry. So as well as helping to strengthen your understanding of nutrition topics, all the available homework’s and supportive tasks have been carefully curated to support your future as an MNU Certified Nutritionist; from designing your own eye-catching infographics to attract clients on socials, to building service packages and client resources so you’re not starting from scratch when you graduate!

You’ll also be given 13-months complimentary access to the Mac-Nutrition Mentoring Lab alongside the course, with heavily discounted graduate rates thereafter. This means that you’ll never feel alone and can continue to work on your career in nutrition with the guidance of the most supportive, friendly, like-minded people in the industry, including the MNU team and true experts in the field.

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