I am nervous about the Body Composition Residential, do you have any advice?

Please don’t think you’re alone in feeling nervous about the day! We completely understand & have had many previous students tell us the same!

Our Body Composition Residential video has some students talking about their concerns, how they felt & how their nerves were calmed on the day with how it is run.

We put a huge amount of time and effort into making sure every attendee feels welcome & comfortable at our events. We are known for our industry-leading ‘family feeling’ customer service. This is especially true for the Body Composition residential.

While the Body Composition residential might feel a little extra daunting, it is delivered in a very supportive and professional way and the practical sessions will give you an amazing insight into how your clients might also feel when they have their body composition assessed.

If you’re specifically nervous about the practical elements of the residential, just to put your mind at ease, there is absolutely no obligation to be a 'subject' if you don’t want to.

It may be a comfort to know that you’ll be working in small, same-sex groups throughout the day, but there are always enough people to practise on if you don’t feel comfortable doing so yourself! 

Either way, we would always recommend bringing your sports clothes with you so that if you decide to join in as a subject, you can! Body composition is not specifically assessed, simply the techniques used to do so are practised.

We will also give you a personal call 1-2 months before the residential to answer any of your questions & allay any concerns.
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