What do I need to wear & bring with me for the Body Composition Residential?

You will need to bring some sports clothes with you, such as shorts and a sports bra (females only), this is so you can take part in the practical sessions throughout the day. Some example sports bras have been provided within the residential information document at the start of the course & will also be included in your welcome pack for this event.

There will be time to get changed before the practical sessions begin so you don't need to come in your sports clothes. You can, of course, bring clothes to go over your sports clothes to wear in between the practical parts, and for the rest of the day.

We advise that you bring either a notepad and/or a laptop so you can take notes during the day.

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There is a gym and swimming pool available to use, so you are more than welcome to bring your gym/swimming kit too!

You do not need to bring your own food, as lunch, dinner and refreshments will be provided on Saturday, but feel free to bring additional snacks if you wish!

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